A Guide to U.S. Figure Skating’s Athletic Assessments and Training Camps

Welcome to Part 6 of the Figure Skating Club of Southern Maryland’s blog series, “Navigating the Ice!” We’re here to help skaters and parents explore and understand the world of ice skating, based on the official U.S. Figure Skating Journey, and identify your best skating path.

This issue addresses how U.S. Figure Skating (USFS) helps athletes prepare and train for competitions, testing, and more with athletic assessments and training camps.

Links are available below if you missed previous discussions in this blog series.

For beginners in figure skating, the journey toward excellence involves not only on-ice practice, but also comprehensive off-ice training. Thankfully, U.S. Figure Skating offers invaluable resources to help athletes reach their full potential through athletic assessments and training camps.

Athletic Assessments

Off-ice training is crucial in enhancing on-ice performance and reducing the risk of injuries. U.S. Figure Skating provides two essential athletic assessments: S.T.A.R.S. (Standardized Testing of Athleticism to Recognize Skaters) and the High Performance Movement Screen.


S.T.A.R.S. is a fitness assessment tailored to young skaters, aiming to promote well-rounded athleticism essential for mastering new and demanding skating skills. This one-day event, held nationwide through S.T.A.R.S. Combines, evaluates athletes in agility, balance, coordination, strength, power, and flexibility. Participants receive a detailed report tracking their progress and percentile rankings, aiding personalized development.

High Performance Movement Screen (HPMS)

The HPMS evaluates figure skaters’ mobility, stability, and symmetry to identify and address mechanics hindering optimal performance. Conducted by trained professionals, the screen encompasses various tests assessing lower extremity mobility and stability and concussion baseline testing. Athletes receive personalized reports outlining areas of concern and targeted exercises to enhance performance while minimizing injury risks.

Additional information on these assessments is available from U.S. Figure Skating.

Training Camps

U.S. Figure Skating organizes training camps open to athletes and coaches, offering unparalleled skill enhancement and networking opportunities. These camps cater to singles, pairs, ice dance, and synchronized skating disciplines and provide a platform for growth and collaboration among skaters of all levels.

Whether you’re a budding skater or a supportive parent, U.S. Figure Skating’s athletic assessments and training camps are invaluable tools for nurturing talent and achieving excellence on and off the ice.

To explore upcoming training camp opportunities and registration details, visit U.S. Figure Skating’s official website.


Embarking on the figure skating journey entails dedication, perseverance, and access to resources that foster holistic development. With U.S. Figure Skating’s athletic assessments and training camps, aspiring skaters can unlock their potential, refine their skills, and navigate the path toward success in the captivating world of figure skating.


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